Where are y0u g0ing?
C0me back...
careful, careful.
Careful n0w. Watch it! Watch it!
Watch 0ut!
I t0ld y0u t0 be careful.
Calm d0wn. Calm d0wn, calm d0wn.
This is a th0rn.
Balm, balm.
T0 s00the the pain.
Y 0ur first handshake, mr. Sahai.
Y es, we're friends n0w.
And... my first flying kiss.
She needs t0 learn that
she is destined t0 th0rns.
Th0se very th0rns that ad0rned
jesus's cr0wn.
Right mrs. McNally?
Y es!
"I was sl0wly understanding
"between a th0rn and pain..."
"between water and thirst..."
"but 0ne relati0nship
was still strange t0 me..."