
Thank y0u.
try and understand michelle,
every w0rd has a meaning.

And with0ut w0rds, y0u will
never c0me 0ut 0f darkness.

Y 0u will never be able
t0 see the light!

Y 0u will y0u will never be
able t0 see the light.

They will put this bell ar0und y0u
and call y0u a c0w. C.o. W... c0w.

Y 0u will bec0me an animal michelle.
Just an animal

they will put y0u in an asylum.
And this time
I w0n't let this happen.

Y 0u will have t0 learn michelle.
Are y0u listening?

Y 0u are my last h0pe.
Michelle, michelle...

michelle, are y0u listening?
- Y 0u'll have t0 leave n0w mr. Sahai.

N0, I am n0t g0ing t0
leave mrs. McNally

I will n0t give up s0 easily.
I have kept my pr0mise.
N0w it's y0ur turn.

But it's n0t yet 0ver mrs. McNally.
There are still a few minutes left.

Paul can c0me at any m0ment.
Mr. Sahai. I'm helpless

y es. Mrs. McNally.
But she has t0 learn.

Mr. Sahai...
- she has t0 learn...

that the hand she is h0lding has a name.
That y0u are m0ther, m0ther...

m.o.t.h.e. R... m0ther.
And that is father.
