Y 0u will bec0me an animal michelle.
Just an animal
they will put y0u in an asylum.
And this time
I w0n't let this happen.
Y 0u will have t0 learn michelle.
Are y0u listening?
Y 0u are my last h0pe.
Michelle, michelle...
michelle, are y0u listening?
- Y 0u'll have t0 leave n0w mr. Sahai.
N0, I am n0t g0ing t0
leave mrs. McNally
I will n0t give up s0 easily.
I have kept my pr0mise.
N0w it's y0ur turn.
But it's n0t yet 0ver mrs. McNally.
There are still a few minutes left.
Paul can c0me at any m0ment.
Mr. Sahai. I'm helpless
y es. Mrs. McNally.
But she has t0 learn.
Mr. Sahai...
- she has t0 learn...
that the hand she is h0lding has a name.
That y0u are m0ther, m0ther...
m.o.t.h.e. R... m0ther.
And that is father.
Paul, I was just...
- leave, mr. Sahai.
Dear ms. Nair, y0u will be
delighted t0 kn0w...
that after having spent 20 days
with little michelle, I have failed.
H0wever, if y0u're smiling at the
th0ught 0f l00king int0 my eyes again...
y0u are terribly mistaken.
Mrs. G0mes, will y0u st0p her?
Let her be mr. Sahai.
She's very happy t0day