
There are s0 many mem0ries here.
I remember 0ne time michelle
and I were playing 0utside.

We were running thr0ugh
the grass h0lding hands.

And while running, b0th 0f us fell
d0wn and b0th 0f us started crying.

Mama and papa came running 0utside and
picked up michelle and left me 0utside...

and there I was...
with my arms stretched 0ut.

I'm still waiting.
As a child. I...
I used t0 be s0 angry with her.

The am0unt I l0ved her the
same am0unt I was jeal0us 0f her...

whatever f00d I didn't like,
I'd feed her.

I used t0 wake michelle in the
middle 0f the night and ask her...

d0 y0u want t0 drink water? Michelle
used t0 n0d her head and say yes...

and I used t0 turn my head
and g0 back t0 sleep.

She w0uld wait f0r me
all night l0ng.

I can't believe I did that.
Can y0u marc?
F0r all th0se things that I did,
and all the misplaced...

anger... I'd like t0 say I'm s0rry.
Did I say s0mething wr0ng?
Then please let me finish.
- I d0n't want t0 listen,

It's imp0rtant t0 me. Michelle.
- en0ugh!!!!
