She w0uld wait f0r me
all night l0ng.
I can't believe I did that.
Can y0u marc?
F0r all th0se things that I did,
and all the misplaced...
anger... I'd like t0 say I'm s0rry.
Did I say s0mething wr0ng?
Then please let me finish.
- I d0n't want t0 listen,
It's imp0rtant t0 me. Michelle.
- en0ugh!!!!
Sit d0wn.
Slt... dowN.
F0r this j0y0us and
eventful evening...
michelle had prepared
a speech f0r sara,
I w0uld read and michelle
w0uld sign...
but I d0n't think that michelle
is in any m00d f0r signs.
It's imp0rtant h0wever, that we
sh0uld all hear what she said.
"I was eight years 0ld, wild, vi0lent
always angry at life."