Did you ever meet Don Juan?
Never. Not once!
Then why are you in mourning?Because I've never met him.
It's amazing. I had no ideamy own funeral could be so delightful.
It certainly brought your careerto a happy end.
Leave off while they stillthink of you as you were.
All these wrinkles,these lines, these gray hairs.
You'd spoil any party,even a funeral.
No, no, no, my friend.This is a great sight.
Women and women and women.
The eternal hungerof women for love.
I pretty muchhave all my stuff.
Looks like you got a love letterfrom one of your other girlfriends.
I don't haveany other girlfriend, Sherry.
Come on!
All right. I get it.
No, you don't.But it's okay.
That's the way you are.You're never going to change.
I just don't thinkI want to be with an...
an over-the-hill Don Juananymore.
What do you want, Sherry?
What do you want, Don?
I mean, I'm like your mistress,
except you're not even married.
L- Look at your friend Winstonnext door.