You're celebrating.
Well, remember Nelle's manuscript
she sent me in New York?
Yeah. Mockingbird. Killing a Mockingbird.
- You said it was good.
- And I was right.
She just heard
Lippincott wants to publish it.
Well, Jesus.
Jesus, well, that's terrific.
Tell her congratulations from me.
- Thank you.
- Jealous.
- Will you be home by Christmas?
- I wanna come home.
I wanna come home. I do. I just...
thought if they catch whoever did this,
who knows what?
- I'll probably be here till next Christmas.
- I'm gonna let you go.
No, don't go.
We'll go away next spring to write.
- Maybe Spain.
- Yeah.
- Okay, I'm gonna let you go.
- Jack...
Jack, I promise.
We'll go away this spring to write.
- Maybe Spain.
- Okay.
All right.