Yeah. Mockingbird. Killing a Mockingbird.
- You said it was good.
- And I was right.
She just heard
Lippincott wants to publish it.
Well, Jesus.
Jesus, well, that's terrific.
Tell her congratulations from me.
- Thank you.
- Jealous.
- Will you be home by Christmas?
- I wanna come home.
I wanna come home. I do. I just...
thought if they catch whoever did this,
who knows what?
- I'll probably be here till next Christmas.
- I'm gonna let you go.
No, don't go.
We'll go away next spring to write.
- Maybe Spain.
- Yeah.
- Okay, I'm gonna let you go.
- Jack...
Jack, I promise.
We'll go away this spring to write.
- Maybe Spain.
- Okay.
All right.
My wife worked there, too.
What did she do in the house?
Cleaning. Cooking a little bit.
Quiet, quiet. Quiet, quiet.
"Girdle up. No extra bulges.
"If you're dressed right,
when he gets home...
"the rest of the evening
should be smooth sailing.
"Bon voyage, gals."
I can't believe you got that whole page.
I only read it once.
- I've tested my...
- Tested myself.
- I have 94%...
- Percent recall.