Only four golden tickets left.
Now that they've found one,
things will really get crazy.
--of every shape, size and hue.
Veruca. Can you spell that for us, please?
V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt.
As soon as my little Veruca told me she
had to have one of these golden tickets...
...l started buying all the Wonka bars
l could lay my hands on.
Thousands of them.
Hundreds of thousands.
l'm in the nut business, you see.
So l say to my workers:
Morning, ladies. From now on,
you can stop shelling peanuts...
...and start shelling the wrappers
off these chocolate bars instead.
Three days went by, and we had no luck.
Oh, it was terrible.
My Veruca got more
and more upset each day.
Where's my golden ticket?
l want my golden ticket.
Well, gentlemen, l just hated to see
my little girl feeling unhappy like that.
l vowed l would keep searching
until l could give her what she wanted.
And finally, I found her a ticket.
Daddy, l want another pony.
She's even worse than the fat boy.
l don't think that was really fair.
She didn't find the ticket herself.
Don't worry about it, Charlie.
That man spoils his daughter.
And no good ever comes
from spoiling a child like that.