Comes to school every day now.
You take away basketball,
God knows what he'd be into.
Yesterday, he canceled
the Fremont game.
Now, that's the biggest game
of the year.
I have scouts coming
to watch my boy play.
- Me too.
- These boys are 16-0.
This whole school, this whole
community, is behind this team.
Everybody goes to every game.
Basketball is the only thing
that these boys have got.
Are we gonna let Carter come in here
and take that away from them?
- No!
- I don't think so.
Not gonna happen.
- I'd like to make a motion.
- Yes, Mr. Walters?
I move that we remove Mr. Carter
as head basketball coach.
Order, please. Order.
This board does not have
the authority
to terminate employment
of a staff position.
Then I move we end the lockout
and let the kids play.
I second the motion.
- Okay.
- If I may?
Yes, Mr. Carter.
You really need to consider
the message
that you're sending these boys.
It's the same message that we
as a culture send to our pro athletes,
which is that they are above the law.
Now, I'm trying to teach these boys
the discipline that will inform their lives
and give them choices.
If you endorse the fact
that 15-, 16- and 17-year-olds
don't have to honor the simple rules
of a basketball contract,
how long do you think it'll be before
they're out there breaking laws?
Now, I played basketball
at Richmond 30 years ago.
It was the same thing then.
Some of my teammates
ended up in prison.
Some of them ended up dead.
I took this job because
I wanted to effect change
in a special group of young men,
and this is the only way
I know how to do that.