sitting in the front row
of those classes,
and wearing a tie on game day.
I see. Mr. Carter,
does the lockout include
practices and games?
And do you have
a set period of time?
There will be no basketball, ma'am.
Please. Quiet, please.
That includes practices and games,
until we as a team
reach the agreed-upon GPA.
Please, quiet.
Please, quiet.
Thank you, Mr. Carter.
In the interest of time, I'd like to open
this board meeting up for comments.
As a teacher, I was offended
when asked by a coach
to provide progress reports.
Nowhere in my contract does it say
that I have to do so.
It creates more work.
This lockout has brought
negative media attention
that questions our abilities
as educators.
End this madness. End this lockout.
I'm Jason Lyle's uncle.
That boy lives to play ball.
Comes to school every day now.
You take away basketball,
God knows what he'd be into.
Yesterday, he canceled
the Fremont game.
Now, that's the biggest game
of the year.
I have scouts coming
to watch my boy play.
- Me too.
- These boys are 16-0.
This whole school, this whole
community, is behind this team.
Everybody goes to every game.
Basketball is the only thing
that these boys have got.
Are we gonna let Carter come in here
and take that away from them?
- No!
- I don't think so.
Not gonna happen.
- I'd like to make a motion.
- Yes, Mr. Walters?
I move that we remove Mr. Carter
as head basketball coach.
Order, please. Order.
This board does not have
the authority