Dalkomhan insaeng

He wants to run again...
Anyway, I heard the news.
How did this happen?
It's a long story...
You should have just left it
to us from the beginning.

I'm sorry. I was rude.
No, it's mostly my fault.
If the hammer is light,
the nail will rise back up.

Let's get things straight.
What would you like us
to do for you?

Years ago, a smart young man
was working for me.

One day I got him to do a simple job.
I guess he thought it was
no big deal. He made a mistake.

Thinking about it now,
it wasn't such a serious mistake.

I could have just told him off
and let it go.

But he was kind of strange.
He wouldn't admit
it was his fault.

He said he didn't do
anything wrong.

He could've been right.
It might have been my fault.

But what are families for?
If the boss says you're wrong,
then you're wrong...

...even if you didn't really do it.
Then it's over. Period!
But that guy lost his hand.
