We'll go to the man-whore union.
But be careful.
They'll be looking for me.
Meeting of the Royal Order
of European Man-whores...
...is now in session.
These are the highest paid
he-bitches in Europe.
That? That's Rodrigo.
He's from Spain.
He can tie shoelaces
with his tongue.
That? That's Enzo. He's ltalian.
His nutsack is insured
for a million dollars.
-That's 500 grand each.
-Check it out.
That's Assapopuluss from Greece.
He can actually kiss you
with his butthole.
l'd like to never see that.
l'd like to say a few words about
our fallen comrade, Heinz Hummer.
Who's the blond guy?
Chadsworth Buckingham.
Comes from a long line of ho's.
His great-great-great grandmother
gave Henry Vlll crabs.
But l know Heinz would like to be
remembered for most...
-...was being a male prostitute.
-Hear, hear.
He was also a suspercilious cunt.
-Who's that guy?
-Gian-Carlo. Silverback he-bitch.
Heinz Hummer was
undercustting all of us.
He was charging the same price
for straight sex...
...as he was for a
Turkish Snow Cone.
-Oh, yes.
He was also charging the same price
for a Belgian Steamer...
...as he was for
a Portusguese Breakfast.
As we sow, so shall we reap.
Thank you, Gian-Carlo,
for those kind words.
Until this insane killer
is apprehended...
...the union is going to institute
a new security measure.
This ring locks snugly
over your va-guy-na...
...and then communicates directly
with a global satellite system.
There are rings of all sizes available,
smaller for our Asian members.
Y'all know me.
My name is McManus.
l joined this union some
20-odd years ago for two reasons: