Well, that sounds doable.
What is it?
The accordion player?
The Smelly Finger Dance.
One cheek at a time.
Hey, guys. l need a quick gigolo fix.
What do you say?
l'm judging a sandcastle-building
competition this afternoon...
...so l can't help you.
The dog ate my penis.
You don't have to walk me
any further. l just work over there.
-l don't mind.
-l'm kind of embarrased of my job.
l'm kind of embarrased of my job too.
What do you do?
Bye, Deuce.
Well, well, well. lf it isn't
Deuce Not-So-Big-Below.
lt's Bigalow.
What's your going rate, Douche?
Well, l was getting $ 10.
Okay, gigolo. Do you even know
when a woman is having an orgasm?
Sure l know. lt's when she says:
''Please stop. lt's okay. You tried.
Now, get off me.''
l bet he doesn't even know
how to give a Sneaky Castro.
Well, that depends. lf she wants it
regular sneaky or extra sneaky.
There is no such thing
as an Extra Sneaky Castro.
ls there?
lt's when you stick it in their....
lt's pretty convenient, your friend
killing off all the competition.