Bye, Deuce.
Well, well, well. lf it isn't
Deuce Not-So-Big-Below.
lt's Bigalow.
What's your going rate, Douche?
Well, l was getting $ 10.
Okay, gigolo. Do you even know
when a woman is having an orgasm?
Sure l know. lt's when she says:
''Please stop. lt's okay. You tried.
Now, get off me.''
l bet he doesn't even know
how to give a Sneaky Castro.
Well, that depends. lf she wants it
regular sneaky or extra sneaky.
There is no such thing
as an Extra Sneaky Castro.
ls there?
lt's when you stick it in their....
lt's pretty convenient, your friend
killing off all the competition.
l've got my eye on you, Small-Below.
I'll be right down.
This is the woman
that went out with Heinz...
...the night before
he was murdered.
Don't worry about it, Sherlock Ho.
l ain't gonna let you out of my sight.
Hi, you must be Lily. l'm Deuce.
Nice to meet you.
Would you like some bread?
Oh, l can't have bread.
lt's makes my
esophageal lining swell up...
...and could block my throat-hole.