He died ten years ago,
and I still fi nd...
its good to talk about it sometimes.
I fi nd it's good to
talk about ev eryth i ng.
My therapist says
I o v erdo that.
That I o v eranalyze.
Of course, she's bu limic so
let's not get too preachy.
But the first th i ng y ou
shou Id know about me: I'm gay.
I'm gay, and what's more,
a stereotypical gay.
Always lo v ed fash ion,
hated sports,
and though it doesn 't
always work to clich é,
it did i n my family
where there was me,
and there was my
kid brother, N icky.
He wou Idn 't look at another
guy ex cept to ask for a beer,
was our school's star
quarterback, great studen t.
When they say h igh school are
the best years of y our life...
there talki ng about
h is life, not mi ne.
Look at that smile lik e he
grew up i n a b lue jeans ad.
Hey whoa, hold on a sec
N ick, let 'em tak e y ou i n.
Really had to
twist h is arm, hu h?
See, confidence for my
brother was nev er an issue.
I don 't care if its
with women, guys...
Oh, great, company.
Yeah, don 't ask me her name.
Yeah, H i.
How are ya?
Good to see ya.
No, it's OK N ick.
Go on, play.
I env ied h im, 'cause
he was so normal.
Dad lo v ed normal.
There's Dad now,
fix i n ' the old set.
Dad was usually
i n a fou I mood.
Th is, actually is one of
h is more spiritual momen ts.
And there's mom,
rolli ng those pennies.
Th is is about 14
years back now.
The fu neral I showed y ou
is still a few years off.
Th is is where we start.
Bush, the father, was
i n the Wh ite House.
I was a senior i n h igh
school, my brother, N icky,
a Ju nior, and Dad was
i n h is ragi ng prime.
Of course it
wasn 't all yelli ng.