I hav e noth i ng i n telligen t to
say rather than open my mouth...
and remo ve al I doubt.
I got shot down,
but it was worth it,
'cause it jarred someth i ng.
Later that nigh t,
I had an epiphany:
For the first time i n my life,
I realized I was gay.
Not just confused, or goi ng
through a phase but actually gay.
That nigh t I came out
of the closet to myself.
But th is only
made th i ngs worse.
I was anx iety-ridden
out of my mi nd.
I needed to talk to someone.
But there was no one i n
my family I cou Id go to.
I didn 't hav e any
friends i n h igh school.
H igh school.
Fi nally i n my desperation
I ended up down town...
at social serv ices where I met
with a part-time social work er...
with a few issues of h is own.
You m i nd if I dri nk?
U h, no.
We're not, y ou k now,
real ly supposed to dri nk.
Lo ok if y ou're hav i ng
a bad day, I ...
I am hav i ng a bad day,
because th is morn i ng ...
my g irlfriend and
I of two years ...sp I it.
O h, I'm s orry.
You wanna know the truth?
I th i nk after the
i n itial s hock wears off...
I'm real ly go n na see th is
as a b less i ng, real ly.
Because th is woman was
o n my case from day o ne.
I mean maki ng demands
and nagg i ng me and ...
y ou k now what s he wanted
me to do last week?
S he wanted me to enro I I
i n o ne of these...u h ...
what do y ou cal I it...
anger management courses.
H ow'd y ou feel about that?
P issed me off.
Because it's not about anger,
it's about chang i ng me.
You k now, about
chang i ng my clothes,
and my friends and my...y ou
k now, I have a motto, alrig ht?
If y ou're not happ y with me,
exactly the way I am ...
then y ou can leave.
- So s he left.
- Yeah s he left.
Anyway, what can we at the
Fam i ly Mental Health C I i n ic...
do for y ou today?
I heard y ou can pro v ide
low-rate therap ists?
Maybe s omeo ne who special izes
i n sexual orientatio n issues.