Talk to me.
Mom, I'm afraid I'm d ifferent.
God made us al I
d ifferent ho ney,
to keep I ife i nteresti ng.
- You, he made mo ody.
- That's not all he made me.
Lo ok Mom, I've gotta face it.
I'm not I ike the
other guys at s cho o I.
You never wanted
to be I ike them.
You cal led them Neanderthals.
True, I d id n't want to be I ike
them but maybe I wis hed ...
to o hard because now
I'm not I ike any o ne.
I fi nd myself envy i ng
the Neanderthals.
Wel I, y ou k now how
I feel about envy.
E nvy's not the po i nt.
Ok, j ust o ne seco nd now
let me as y ou s ometh i ng.
- O K.
- Let me j ust ask th is.
Al I rig ht.
Last week I boug ht choco late
ch ip co okies and nobody ate them.
Shou Id I not get chocolate
ch ip ev er agai n...
and just stick with oatmeal?
Is that what y ou're
al I try i ng to tel I me?
The only difference between
my mother and the Berli n Wall?
Some people got
past that wall.
Well, that nigh t I decided someone
was goi ng to hear me say it.
So before N ick left for th is
b ig party I made h im the lucky
Don 't freak out.
P lease, do n't freak out.
Thank y ou for
not freaki ng out.
H ow many peop le have
y ou to Id th is to?
- N obody.
- Do n't. Ever.
Do y ou u nderstand me?
Do n't ever talk I ike
th is arou nd anybody.
Jesus C hrist man, if Dad
ever heard th is s h it...
he'd bury y ou i n the basement.
I'm not tel I i ng Dad.
But I th i nk s ome peop le
suspect already.
Wel I, s ome guys
at s cho o I maybe.
Who at s cho o I?
Who cares, N icky?
Th is is who I am.
- I can not h ide it forever.
- Th is is not who y ou are.
You do not have a
clue who y ou are.
You've always been
the most co nfused,
s crewed up i nd iv idual ...
I've been co nfused
about th is.
O h man, do n't cry.
- Stop cry i ng, Dorian.
- I'm not.