Tak e the last trai n
to C larksv ille,
and I'll meet y ou
at the station.
You can be there
by four th irty,
'cause I made
y our reserv ation.
Don 't be slow.
Oh, no, no, no.
Oh, no, no, no!
Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee.
Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee.
Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee,
dee, dee, dee.
Tak e the last trai n
to C larksv ille,
and I must hang up the phone.
I can 't hear y ou i n th is
noisy rail road station all alone.
I'm feeli ng low.
Oh, no, no, no.
Oh, no, no, no!
Hey, where'd y ou
d isappear to after s cho o I?
What are y ou, my keeper?
No, I was just looki ng
for y ou, that's all.
Do n't lo ok for me.
What are y ou
getti ng stup id for?
Hey, y ou k now s ometh i ng?
You lo ok ki nd of gu i lty.
D id y ou do s ometh i ng wro ng?
Get out of here.
Hey, d id y ou
do s ometh i ng ...gay?
We co n nected i n th is
I ike, s ci-fi moment.
It was I ike...
We're both al ike, we're
both "homo senturio ns."
B oth al iens.
Do y ou feel I ike
an al ien, Dorian?
Do y ou?
N ot any more.
- H ow lo ng d id it take y ou.
- A few years maybe.
Wel I, u h, I do n't
have a few years, doc.
I've got to go to
N YU i n the fal I.
You've got to get
me adj usted and now.
P lus, I can't afford
al I of these sess io ns,
I'm d ipp i ng i nto my
sav i ngs for th is.
We'I I do our best.
O h, there's a
great doctor I i ne;
"relax, we'll do our best".
Usually followed by
"Sorry, we d id al I we cou Id."
What do y ou lo ve most
about y ourself, Dorian?