I j ust thoug ht I cou Id dri nk
my way i nto it, but I can't,
s o I'm j ust go n na
cal I it a n ig ht, O K.
H ut.
18, 24, 36... H ut.
H ut. H ut.
18, 18.
U u h h!
I'll call y ou some time.
I was so stupid.
I still didn 't realize how
b ig a troub le I was i n.
I still though t I was just
deali ng with some dru nk en jerk.
When actually I had stumb led
on to someth i ng far worse.
It was u nreal.
I cou Idn 't breathe... and
it wasn 't long before...
I started to lose it, and
I was pretty much screwed.
U n til my mi nd coughed
up th is obscure memory.
Sh it!
You brok e my nose!
You're dead!
So dead!
I ended up i n four days i n St.
Vi ncen t's for a serious concussion.
It was so ironic.
N icky had been playi ng
football si nce he was ni ne...
and had nev er
gotten a concussion.