Dorian Blues

I was goi ng for a liberal arts
degree and already had two.

So after th is
muscle-man i nciden t,

I declared my preference
a- sexual and h it the books.

Ov er the next few years I
became a h igh honors studen t,

VP of my class and a b it
of a soap bo x activ ist.

Meanwh ile, N icky
wen t to Syracuse,

and through h is letters I got
the impression that th i ngs...

weren 't goi ng as easily
as he was used to.

It was the first time that
the angels had turned their

backs on my brother
and towards me.

I've been to the zo o.
- I'm s orry?
- I said, I've been to the zo o.

Zo o story, E dward Alb y.
Very go od.

N ow I k now I'm not
wasti ng my time.

What are y ou,
a playwrigh t?

N o, a law student.

U ndergrad.

Is he the gen ius
they say he is?

- You haven't read h im?
- N o.

Wel I, maybe I'm
wasti ng my time.

The fairy tale
fi nally happened.

Lonely pri nce Dorian
fi nally met h is other pri nce...

and the lo v e pri nce Dorian felt
for pri nce Ben cast out...

all Dorian 's spells
of depression...

and gav e h im the strength of
ten gay men... or sev en straigh t.

Ben, y ou gotta come with us
to keg n ig ht at Jess ie's Barn.

- We're there.
- Rig ht?

- Abs o lutely.
- Great.

Let's see, mus ic and beer
with friends or stay home...

and have imag i nary fig hts
with my step mother?

Let me see...
O h no, wait we can't Friday.
- Why not?
- I meant to tel I y ou.

My paren ts are comi ng to town
on Friday and they wan t...

to tak e us to di nner.
I'm meeti ng y our parents?

Wel I, I to Id them I was bri ng i ng
a friend alo ng, y ou k now.

Just the though t of meeti ng
Ben 's paren ts sen t me...

i n to my newest affliction;
hyperv en tilation.
I'd nev er met any one's
paren ts before.

Literally, the only
paren ts I'd met were my own,

and that didn 't go v ery well.
I was terrified
they'd suspect.

Suspect what?
That we're more
than j ust friends.

Does n't y our brother
i ntroduce h is guy budd ies ...
