It'll be a long day. We'll get a finish
out of it, that's for sure.
And off the line in Scott McMillin's
buggy was a rookie driver.
His 16-year-old son Andy.
Ever since like I was two or three years old,
I used to go pre-running with my dad.
I started driving a clutch when I was
probably six or seven years old.
I had a lot of trust in him as we, you know,
developed our relationship driving
and just taught him
what I learned from my dad.
At first Andy had
a little problem staying on course.
Watch it. Remember. There's
a hole here. Remember? Stop.
Here. Go this way. Stop!
I think about it,
and I think when I have a kid,
I'm never gonna have like
the trust that he has in me.
Now take your time.
Take your time doing it.
But he settled down.
Go. You're running
with the big dogs. Boy.
The trust that Scott had in his son
was well deserved.
After a couple of wild rides early.
Andy had gotten it together
and was in first place in his class
when he turned it over to his father.
Probably hit him a little too hard. Bud.
You got it. You got it.
Make some dust. Good man.
While the McMillins have fun
on the cutting edge of technology.
There are those who enjoy something
slightly more antiquated.
This is Class 11, which gives a whole
new definition to the word "underdog. "
You really get the satisfaction of talking
to someone that races a trophy truck,
a Class 1 motorcycle,
looking at you and saying,
"Oh, you race Class 11.
Guy, you must be crazy. "
Hey, those guys are
the toughest guys out there.
You know, they've got
little support, you know,
vehicles that are extremely challenged,
and they go for it.
That's the hardcore
Baja racer right there.
These are unmodified
Volkswagen Beetles.
Not the New Beetle.
But the old Beetle. Pre-1982.
No modification of the suspension
or engine is allowed.