Probably hit him a little too hard. Bud.
You got it. You got it.
Make some dust. Good man.
While the McMillins have fun
on the cutting edge of technology.
There are those who enjoy something
slightly more antiquated.
This is Class 11, which gives a whole
new definition to the word "underdog. "
You really get the satisfaction of talking
to someone that races a trophy truck,
a Class 1 motorcycle,
looking at you and saying,
"Oh, you race Class 11.
Guy, you must be crazy. "
Hey, those guys are
the toughest guys out there.
You know, they've got
little support, you know,
vehicles that are extremely challenged,
and they go for it.
That's the hardcore
Baja racer right there.
These are unmodified
Volkswagen Beetles.
Not the New Beetle.
But the old Beetle. Pre-1982.
No modification of the suspension
or engine is allowed.
We are losing our dashboard.
What they lack in speed
they more than make up for in passion.
It's a feeling inside of this one.
We born know Bajas,
and we die knowing Bajas, too.
I think they're real men.
I mean, there's some stuff
that I have no idea
how they get through.
Racing Class 11, it's very,
very important to finish the race.
Sometimes there are no signs left.
Our time limit is sometimes
very, very narrow for us.
So it's very significant to go through
whatever you have to
go through in getting there,
just getting there.
Stand by. He's on his way.
Air clear.
Looks like we're going right.
By noon everyone
had left the starting line
and racers began
to settle into their groove.