Munch writes in his diary:
"They were lying beside each other.
"They didn't talk much.
"'Poor you', she said
"and stroked his wet hair
"She lay there with her head back
and her beautiful throat exposed.
"I kissed it and wanted
to carry her to the bed.
"But the touch of her soft limbs
"took all strength from my arms."
"She lay down on him.
"The moment again when everything
ceased to exist.
"Again and again."
And that married woman...
You shouldn't show yourself with her.
Have you got something else
besides your work to think of?
I feel much calmer.
I sleep at night too.
That's fine.
Munch writes in his diaries
of making appointments to meet
Mrs. Heiberg on the Karl Johan,
only to have her pass him by with
her husband or a friend on her arm.
Exactly who began to break
the appointments first is not known,
but Munch writes of retaliating
by ignoring Mrs. Heiberg
when they next meet.
I waited for half an hour
on the Karl Johan.