We haven't had a revolution!
Just think of people's reaction!
To invite someone who...
Hermann Eschke, sculptor,
professor at the Berlin Academy of Art,
seen here in the foreground,
has raised a petition amongst
the conservative members of the Verein,
to force through
the immediate removal
of Munch's "anarchistic smears."
The conservative majority
is led by Anton von Werner,
a painter of court and battle scenes
for the Kaiser.
Von Werner, strongly attacked
by the liberals
who refer to him as a
"boots and uniform" painter,
urges the removal
of Munch's "Schmiererei".
- This rubbish doesn't belong here.
- That's not what I think.
In opposition to these conservatives,
is a small caucus of liberal artists,
amongst them Ludwig Knaus
who argue
not so much for Munch's
freedom of expression,
as against the social incorrectness
of the Berlin Academy
for throwing out an invited guest.
Amid reports
of anarchist activities in Paris
and rising beer taxes in Bavaria,
the German newspapers headline
the struggle taking place
within the Verein.
We must be united on objective grounds.
That's nonsense! No!
We'll withdraw from the Society
if the exhibition is closed down.
On the 11th November,
a conservative bloc carry
the vote to close the exhibition,