In opposition to these conservatives,
is a small caucus of liberal artists,
amongst them Ludwig Knaus
who argue
not so much for Munch's
freedom of expression,
as against the social incorrectness
of the Berlin Academy
for throwing out an invited guest.
Amid reports
of anarchist activities in Paris
and rising beer taxes in Bavaria,
the German newspapers headline
the struggle taking place
within the Verein.
We must be united on objective grounds.
That's nonsense! No!
We'll withdraw from the Society
if the exhibition is closed down.
On the 11th November,
a conservative bloc carry
the vote to close the exhibition,
and Munch is ordered
to remove his "Schmiererei".
The Kunstchronik charges
Edvard Munch
with "brutality, crudity
and baseness of expression."
The National-Zeitung accuses
"this man E. Blunch"
of selling himself body and soul
to the French Impressionists.
Edvard Munch has arrived
in Imperial Germany.
One critic even states
that Munch knows next to nothing
and should only exhibit
if he is in dire peril
of dying of starvation.
I went to the Rotunda for a laugh.
Theodor Wolff,
editor of the Berliner Tageblatt.