My basketball team.
They don't even know yet.
My Global Environmental Watchdog
project will have to go.
Sweet people.
We could have saved the planet...
How do I make the concept
of $972,000,000...
more real to you?
It's the operating budget
of a midsize country...
a small civilization.
It's big!
It's so big...
you could round it off to a billion dollars.
I cry a lot lately.
The promise of a global future...
pinned to a groundbreaking shoe,
your design...
with a new form of material,
launched this week to great fanfare.
And now, meeting a growing
international roar of laughter...
and rejection.
Enough to cause this memo...
from Jeffrey Barlow, CEO of DCS.
"This once highly-anticipated product...
"may actually cause an entire
generation to return to bare feet."
We are about to enter...
a free-fall plunge.
And the sound you hear
is the sound of shit hitting the fan.
You hear it?
I wish there was something I could do.
Actually, there is.