and rejection.
Enough to cause this memo...
from Jeffrey Barlow, CEO of DCS.
"This once highly-anticipated product...
"may actually cause an entire
generation to return to bare feet."
We are about to enter...
a free-fall plunge.
And the sound you hear
is the sound of shit hitting the fan.
You hear it?
I wish there was something I could do.
Actually, there is.
In a room downstairs is a reporter
from Global Business Today.
We need to make him understand...
we hired you
from our National Scholarship Program.
We supported,
invested in your brilliance.
This was a very creative endeavor...
and I think you should stand up...
for your incredible work.
You okay?
It's a little bit like knowing the plane's
going down before anyone else, isn't it?
-When does this run, a week?
-A week.
Come Sunday evening,
it'll be on the stands.
Any last words?
And in that moment, I knew.
I know we hired you
at the last minute but....
Success, not greatness...