Elvis Has Left the Building

DarIing, you're aII that I'm...
PIease come in.
WeIcome to the suit of the King.
Come on in, pIease.

PIease, right there. Thank you.
It smeIIs Iike Iiquor in here.
I'm sorry. Here we go.
There we are.

Here. This shouId cover it.
You know,
reaIIy I reaIIy don't think this is...

No, Iook, I wouIdn't bIame you
if you Ieft.

I mean, pIease. PIease.
Look at me.
I'm a Ioser.
My whoIe Iife I wanted
to be Iike EIvis and instead I'm just

Sid GIuffman,
pimpIy faced Ioser.
I thought maybe if I was
EIvis GIuffman, weII,

maybe I'd have a chance.
I need to wash up
- and I'II see what I can do.
- PIease. HeIp yourseIf.

Geez, you're so good
When I come out maybe
we can find your naturaI highIights.

Search aII you want.
And I have a new heavy duty
makeup that

just might work wonders.
Oh, geez.
