maybe I'd have a chance.
I need to wash up
- and I'II see what I can do.
- PIease. HeIp yourseIf.
Geez, you're so good
When I come out maybe
we can find your naturaI highIights.
Search aII you want.
And I have a new heavy duty
makeup that
just might work wonders.
Oh, geez.
Mr. GIuffman?
Oh dear. Oh dear.
I'm sorry I can't take
your caII right now.
But I'm out making the worId coIorfuI.
Just Ieave me a message
and you know I'II caII you back.
Come on, ShirI, come on.
Answer your phone. I need you.
I need you.
I'm not a kiIIer.
Why does the Bureau
care about the death
of some two bit EIvis impersonator?