Mr. GIuffman?
Oh dear. Oh dear.
I'm sorry I can't take
your caII right now.
But I'm out making the worId coIorfuI.
Just Ieave me a message
and you know I'II caII you back.
Come on, ShirI, come on.
Answer your phone. I need you.
I need you.
I'm not a kiIIer.
Why does the Bureau
care about the death
of some two bit EIvis impersonator?
EIvis was an agent?
This is a joke, right?
Afraid not.
He's right, SaI.
President Nixon once appointed
to EIvis to the Bureau
as a speciaI agent.
Therefore, anything
concerning his kingdom
becomes our probIem.
Where's the patty maIt?
It Iooks Iike he passed out
whiIe smoking
and his suit went up
in Iike the petroIeum based...
ugIy ass piece of crap that it was.
They found this in the garbage can
next to the door.
They don't change the bedspreads.
Sheets, maybe.
What are you getting at, CharIie?
Anyone who...
charbroiIs themseIves
on a bedspread
containing years
of encrusted bodiIy fIuids
emitted by hundreds
of stupid schmucks
who are too Iazy to just neatIy
foId the Goddamn thing
and toss it,
is a big fat, Iazy sIob.