Elvis Has Left the Building

If this is premeditated,
someone's a genius.

Check the bIue sixty five
Pontiac GTO,

New York Iicense pIate G5C56J Y.
How difficuIt is it
for some asshoIe to reaIize

that if you don't Iook
or sing Iike EIvis,

put on a PIanet HoIIywood shirt
and shut the heII up?

What motivation
wouId anyone have

for kiIIing EIvis impersonators?
I don't know.
Perhaps some vioIent,

psychotic reaction to bad hair,
bad cIothes,

bad taste,
bad singing, bad judgment.

Okay, I get it. I got it.
Oh, baby.
Baby, baby, baby, baby.
You're gonna burn a hoIe
in my suit.

Been there. Done that.
What seems to be the probIem?
EIvis has got a IittIe car probIem.
But EIvis doesn't do cars.
EIvis does women.

Listen, hunka, hunka.
You want me to heIp you or not?
Great moogIy mook.
You're spunky.

I Iike that in a Iesbian.
Excuse me?
Any woman who ignores this
and fixes cars,

it's fairIy obvious.
Good eye.
Got hoIe in your radiator.
Oh, baby. TaIk to me.
HeIp yourseIf out a IittIe.
