Oh, baby.
Baby, baby, baby, baby.
You're gonna burn a hoIe
in my suit.
Been there. Done that.
What seems to be the probIem?
EIvis has got a IittIe car probIem.
But EIvis doesn't do cars.
EIvis does women.
Listen, hunka, hunka.
You want me to heIp you or not?
Great moogIy mook.
You're spunky.
I Iike that in a Iesbian.
Excuse me?
Any woman who ignores this
and fixes cars,
it's fairIy obvious.
Good eye.
Got hoIe in your radiator.
Oh, baby. TaIk to me.
HeIp yourseIf out a IittIe.
Take your gum and wedge it
around the Iipstick.
That'II get you
to the next gas station.
There you go.
Going to Vegas?
Las Vegas, Nevada.
The internationaI convention
of EIvis impersonators.
Good God aImighty.
Okay, why don't you just hop on
in the car and turn it over
and see if our IittIe
Band aid works?
I'II teII you what, sugar Iips.
Why don't you get in there
and rev it up a few times?
Let the King stand watch.
Have at it, your majesty.
Is it hoIding?
Rev it up.