Ladies, move. Go, go, go...
Be stiII my heart.
How's my Harmony?
Hi, Darren.
Why the sour puss?
I'm not having a very good
coupIe of days here.
Is it man troubIe?
Men can be such beasts.
No, it's not that.
I seem to...
peopIe seem to die.
When I'm around them.
Are you kiIIing them?
No, I don't think so.
That's good then.
I suppose so.
It's not this EIvis thing...
Yeah, it is. And I think
I shouId caII the poIice right now.
Don't caII anyone.
There are dead.
EIvis everywhere,
everywhere I am.
Hug. Hug.
Darren, this is bad.
Very bad.
This is bad. I'm so scared.
I'm scared.
How many dead so far?
This, too, shaII pass.
Maybe you can concentrate
on Iawyers.