Are you kiIIing them?
No, I don't think so.
That's good then.
I suppose so.
It's not this EIvis thing...
Yeah, it is. And I think
I shouId caII the poIice right now.
Don't caII anyone.
There are dead.
EIvis everywhere,
everywhere I am.
Hug. Hug.
Darren, this is bad.
Very bad.
This is bad. I'm so scared.
I'm scared.
How many dead so far?
This, too, shaII pass.
Maybe you can concentrate
on Iawyers.
Say, are you okay?
What is the deaI?
This isn't Harmony.
I guess you must be her new
shade of Iipstick.
I'm ShirI.
I'm her best friend.
Dead, Iike everything eIse out here.