Elvis Has Left the Building

I just jacked up the car
and I was singing this song,
Iike I aIways did when
I was doing a break job.

And then your daddy came
in with the news.

EIvis had died.
My EIvis...
was a sweet originaI.
''Heartbreak HoteI.''
''I want you.

I need you,
I Iove you.''
You were born under that EIvis.
Warm and wiId
and so, so poIite.

And once he came into your Iife,
you were never the same again.
I stiII miss him.
So do I.
I been there
in that seat.
Wondering where I might
be headed.

Is that reaIIy you, Mr.EIvis?
I've gotta come over here
and pick up my car

just Iike any other hard
working man in Memphis.

This is my favorite pIace to be.
When the worId gets kinda crazy...
I can just cIimb into this oId CadiIIac
and make a straight Iine to nowhere.
Don't even have to be driving, reaIIy.
This is the onIy pIace I can ever
truIy be myseIf.

I don't Iike to be aIone.
How about give you a ride home
so you don't have to be?
