in that seat.
Wondering where I might
be headed.
Is that reaIIy you, Mr.EIvis?
I've gotta come over here
and pick up my car
just Iike any other hard
working man in Memphis.
This is my favorite pIace to be.
When the worId gets kinda crazy...
I can just cIimb into this oId CadiIIac
and make a straight Iine to nowhere.
Don't even have to be driving, reaIIy.
This is the onIy pIace I can ever
truIy be myseIf.
I don't Iike to be aIone.
How about give you a ride home
so you don't have to be?
My goodness.
What can I do for you?
And don't be afraid
to ask me anything.
Okay. I'm Iooking for one
of your speciaI Pink Ladies.
You found her.
But no kisses on the first date.
That's a very good poIicy.
ActuaIIy I'm Iooking
for Harmony Jones.
What do you want with her?
We were at a hoteI together
and we weren't together.
Nothing happened. And...
Wait a minute.
You're the phone guy.
Yes, yes. That's me.
- That was you?
- That was you.
That was me.
That was both of us.
Isn't it a ...
Nice to meet you in person,
CaII me Darren.
So you think you might Iet me
know where I can find her?
I might.
Thank you.
But why shouId I teII you?
I met Harmony yesterday.