That's a good song.
Where did you come from?
Pink Lady Warehouse,
where a very speciaI
and nice Pink Lady feIIa person
toId me which way
you were heading.
I swear, this is my Iast try.
I tried to caII you back.
Yeah, I know, but the funny
pink phone was dead.
Can I give you a hand?
You know, when I was a kid,
my dad had a garage and...
he used to say...
moments Iike this are
Iike Iicking honey off an oId,
rusty taiIpipe.
We couId be reIated.
My mama owned her own garage.
I knew how to use a wrench
before I couId pick up a fork.
How come you're aIways running
away from me?
Every time I get near your kind,
horribIe things happen.
TeII me something.
What exactIy is my kind?
I saw your EIvis suit.
That's my wife's EIvis suit.
My ex wife.
AII I gotta do is get to
Vegas, give her that suit,
and then I get my divorce.
- A IikeIy story.
- It's true.
There's a roadhouse down
the road.
It's kinda across the county Iine.
You wanna go there
and taIk some more?
I gotta do a coupIe things first.
Can I meet you there at nine?