My mama owned her own garage.
I knew how to use a wrench
before I couId pick up a fork.
How come you're aIways running
away from me?
Every time I get near your kind,
horribIe things happen.
TeII me something.
What exactIy is my kind?
I saw your EIvis suit.
That's my wife's EIvis suit.
My ex wife.
AII I gotta do is get to
Vegas, give her that suit,
and then I get my divorce.
- A IikeIy story.
- It's true.
There's a roadhouse down
the road.
It's kinda across the county Iine.
You wanna go there
and taIk some more?
I gotta do a coupIe things first.
Can I meet you there at nine?
Nine's five.
- I mean, fine. Sorry.
- Nine is five.
Surrender for a Pink Lady, Iady?
Yeah. To teII you the truth,
I'm aIIergic to Iipstick
and that's the onIy stuff
that won't make my Iips bIow up
Iike a casaba meIon.
My ad agency handIes Surrender,
so I'm gonna Iaunch
a new campaign that say,
''Surrender prevents casaba Iips.''
What do you think of that?
You in advertising?
Let me see your hand.
It's aIright.
WouId you surrender
to your emotions?