21 years l've been
going to Arsenal.
21 years.
Paul, l don't know
whether you've noticed
but Arsenal are a football team.
And you think
there's a difference?
Yes, l do.
That shows what
you know about it.
[TV] '..Will need a fitness test
'shortly before kick-off.'
That looked like Rocky.
Jo, go back to
the news a minute.
lt's only the local news.
l know. lt looked like Rocky.
Who looked like Rocky?
Who the hell is Rocky?
Doesn't matter.
We've missed it now.
that ''Rocky''
is an Arsenal player.
Yeah, David Rocastle.
And how do you know
what he looks like?
Well, l don't know.
lt sinks in after a while.
What else has sunk in?
D'you know where they are
in the Championship Cup
and who their best
goal-hanger is?
l'm not turning into a moron.
OK, l know they're
top of the League.
That's easy to remember.
And l know that
Alan ''Smudger'' Smith
has scored most of the goals.
But it doesn't...
l'm going next week.
You're going?
To a football match?
Yeah. l thought l should.
Ooh. l tell you, girl,
you'd better watch yourself.
Soon after Tim and l split up,
l woke up one morning
and realised l could
remember his batting average
for the previous season.
Harmless enough, isn't it?
lt's all a sinister form
of male manipulation.
lt's true!
You get colonised.
Your native culture
gets driven out
and it's replaced by stuff
you don't even wanna know about.
They're like
bloody missionaries.
They bore you stupid
until you cave in
then they fuck off!
[Paul imitates Clangers]
Shut up!