Well, Miss Hughes is pregnant.
Sarah Hughes? History?
Yes, yes, of course.
Um... Well, l didn't, um...
l mean, she...
How does this affect you?
Sorry, no. l left a bit out.
l'm the father.
l should've told you that
straight away, shouldn't l?
Anyway, yes,
we're having a baby.
l haven't heard this from her.
You're hearing it
from me, now.
Sorry, Paul,
l can't share your joy.
Sarah's been
with us five minutes
and a member of staff
has knocked her up!
l'm intending
to marry her and everything.
We won't embarrass the school.
You already have
embarrassed the school!
How on earth are we
supposed to talk to kids
about responsibility
and contraception
and...and the rest of it
when the staff themselves...
Words fail me!
- l thought you'd be pleased.
- About what?
The clandestine affair?
The accidental pregnancy?
Not those bits, maybe,
but me applying for the job.
That's good, isn't it?
Are you a complete fool, Paul?
l'll talk to you later.
Yeah, OK, OK.
Calm down.
l want you to take
your foot off the gas
in the second half.
What's the fun
of beating a team
1 5 or 20-nil?
lt's brilliant fun!
All right.
Just take it easy, eh?
You're like vultures.
Now go on!
Come on, lads!
Oh, hi.
We're winning 8-nil.
Er, 9-nil.
[Shouts to boys] Calm down!
Are you a complete fool?
You've been to see Ted.
He's not best pleased with us.
Who else are you
gonna tell? The kids?