I was the person that figured
all the last-minute details out.
You also founded a foundation
with him?
Yeah. We did.
We founded Grizzly People,
whose mission is to protect
and preserve habitat worldwide.
For Treadwell, who had
a natural tendency towards chaos,
Grizzly People served
as his organized platform,
and Jewel was his
most trusted co-combatant.
I met him in a restaurant.
We both worked at this place
called Gulliver's.
It was a prime rib restaurant.
It was huge and theatrical.
Timothy was a squire,
'cause it was set in the time...
It was based
on Gulliver's Travels.
He had a chintzy felt hat
and a cheap plastic apron
and some knickers
and that blond hair
just sticking out.
And me, I would be your English
serving wench for the evening.
You had to toss the salad
with aplomb,
and you had to boil the soup
and serve it to the people.
I had seen Timothy,
and he was kind of fun.
I didn't really know who he was.
And one night, I just wasn't
in the best of moods.
I had a huge table.
A family of people that wanted me
to make it the best dining experience
of their life.
Do it up big. Make the soup big, you know.
Use the vernacular.
There was grandmas and babies
and hairdos and coats.
So I thought, "You know what? I'll make it.
I'll make it big for ya.
I'll make it really big.
You'll never forget this birthday."
So, one of the parts
was you'd take the soup cart,
and you'd light it up with this gas
so that the soup was bubbling and boiling.
You could smell
the deliciousness.
And I decided to make it
really big.
So I trailed a little bit
extra of the lighter fluid
around the polyester cloth,
and I kind of miscalculated
because the soup exploded.
The people screamed,
the fire went everywhere.
So I was called into the office
in the next couple of days.
And who do I see
when I sit down in the office,