Nice evening, isn't it?
A bit chiIly
to be out here doing nothing.
I thought you'd stay
for breakfast.
Coffee, scrambled eggs,
orange juice...
She's a tough one.
Likes sIeeping alone.
How interesting.
They say it's hot in Madrid
in August.
Yeah, they do.
Not hotterthan here.
BIackouts, shitty fans,
the whole shebang.
They have blackouts
in Madrid?
No, I doubt it.
ShalI we go?
Yeah, let's go.
But where to?
Havana or Europe?
Europe alI the way.
Hit it.
l have to visit my cousins
in Camaguey tomorrow.
What for?
My mom asked me to in her Ietter.
You'II have to watch the kids.