l have to visit my cousins
in Camaguey tomorrow.
What for?
My mom asked me to in her Ietter.
You'II have to watch the kids.
Damn, it had to be this week.
I'm auditioning
for the Spaniards.
Figure itout. The kids aren't
taking a 400 km trip so you can
-pIay around with Spaniards.
-I'm not playing around.
l don'tcare.
You have two kids
and you have to
take care of them.
l'm sick of everything
always being about you.
Fine, l'lI watch the kids.
And next time it's this late
just don't come back.
This isn't a motel.
I'll sIeep with the kids.
And find yourseIf somewhere to Iive
before I get back from Camaguey.
Tito's, wherever.
I can'ttake this anymore.
I don't deserve
to be treated Iike this.
-How's the sound coming along?
-We're on it.