Way too far.
I'Il find a place this week.
No, l'm the one Ieaving
this time.
To the U.S. with the kids.
You've decided?
You're just upset. lt'Il pass.
-We have a contact to get a raft.
-A raft?
Are you nuts?
Listen to yourself.
-A raft!
-I want the divorce.
You know how many people
get kilIed?
Oreaten by sharks?
You think I'd risk our kids' Iives
-if it weren't safe?
-They're my kids, too.
For how long?
-Whatabout when you're in Spain?
-Why not?
You think I don't Iove them?
I know you love them,
but it's over.
You've got a chance
to startover in Spain.
l wish you the best.
But I have to do the same for them.
We'lI find a solution.
l'lI send for you
-from Madrid.
-l don't trust you anymore.
Your mother can getyou
green cards.
-It wouId be safer.
And wait in Iine for 5 years?
No way.
lt took me Iong enough to decide.
l'm through waiting.
You can eithersupport me
ordeal with it.
Or you can report me.
If you won't support me,
at least don't complicate things.
Caridad's taking the kids
to the U.S.
in a raft.
She's taking the kids
in a raft.
You're kidding.
-I'm worried about them.
-Yeah, so am l.
But couIdn't you have said
something to change her mind?
It's too late for that.
You're a fucking idiot, man.
She's stood by you for 10 years,
and what have you done?