And wait in Iine for 5 years?
No way.
lt took me Iong enough to decide.
l'm through waiting.
You can eithersupport me
ordeal with it.
Or you can report me.
If you won't support me,
at least don't complicate things.
Caridad's taking the kids
to the U.S.
in a raft.
She's taking the kids
in a raft.
You're kidding.
-I'm worried about them.
-Yeah, so am l.
But couIdn't you have said
something to change her mind?
It's too late for that.
You're a fucking idiot, man.
She's stood by you for 10 years,
and what have you done?
Besides stopping her
from studying and practicalIy
Iiving offher?
What eIse have you done?
What raft?
Some friend ofhers.
But what about the raft?
You can't Iet them just leave
withoutseeing what kind
of raft they have!
What the heIl can I say?
"Don't leave"?
No, support her, for once
in your life.
Yeah, they're not your kids.
They might as welI be,
Come in strong
on the second chorus.
Let's see.
Didn't we agree yesterday
to change the Iastverse?