Habana Blues

We have to focus.
-Again. From the top.
-Look what time it is.

I'm exhausted.
-I can't go on.
-We've been here

-since 9 A.M. I'm delirious.
-Show them what we're made of.

Hey, l'm as much
as a musician as you are.

Come on, fellas!
Lorenzo, we're having
a bad day.

Tomorrow we'Il take it
from the top again.

Fine, tomorrow it is.
But remember, you guys

have to be at 100 percent
and we wanttotaI dedication.

Okay. See you guys tomorrow.
You're crazy, man.
This is a total burnout.

Not Iike this, man.
-ln the reaI world...
-Man, I don't care.

l've had enough for today.
we're not in Spain yet.

Show some respect
for your colIeagues.

I'Il meet you outside.
And hurry up.

Caridad needs heIp
cooking dinner.

l can't go. I have to pick up
Marta at the airport.

Don't do that to Caridad!
l'm sorry, I forgot.
What can I do?

Do as you please.
TeIl Caridad I'll be there
as soon as I can.
That was deIicious.
The pork was amazing.

Better to not get too used
to eating so much.

You guys, I gota Ietter from
Orlandito with the last catalogue.

I heard he boughtan apartment
in downtown Madrid.

Yes, sir.
And we can'teven afford
new shoes.

ls he doing that welI?
Yeah, he's selling a ton.
He got so Iucky.
It's not luck.
He went after it.

l realIy Iove OrIandito,
but what he's doing now doesn't
compare to what he used to do.
