So what? He's painting
-what peopIe buy.
-Such extremes...
I think peopIe
should live as they please.
That's impossible
in this country.
An artist needs a pubIic.
-How wouId you know?
-Business is business.
Pure art is dead.
No, it should be kiIIed.
Let's drink to that.
No way.
l won't drink to that.
l've been putting up with
his poetry nonsense for 14 years.
He never asks his aunt in New York
for medicine or shoes or money.
He asks for books and magazines.
And now that he's finalIy writing
something good,
we can't throw it aIl away.
No way, guys.
You'Il keep being
my cursed poet
and pay no attention to these
capitalist scumbags.
-You hear me, darling?
-Yes, dear.
l don't care if I have
onIy one pair of shoes
or if I have to wait in Iine
for hours
to buy a coupIe eggs and bread.
I'll be a hooker if I have to.
Hey, wait.
An erudite hooker, of course.
But you promise to be a pure artist,
the purest in the worId.
-Right, my love?
-Yes, dear.
My Mariana GrajaIes
of the cursed poets.
MyJoan of Arc
of misunderstood verse.
The pure artist
Iives on!
Let's drink to that.
To the pure artist.