with Alex in the office
and had a fight.
HelIo? HeIlo?
Luz Maria.
This fucking phone!
-Luz Maria, it's Ruy.
-Is Tito there?
l need to taIk to him.
It's urgent.
-It's Ruy!
-I'm coming!
How was the dlvorce?
Fine. We're broke
so it was easy.
-Fix this damn phone.
We're on our way, bro!
We sign tomorrow.
l toId you we couId do it.
But tell me, what happened
with Alex? I went by there...
Typical stuff. The bastards
in Miami. They imposed conditions.
-on Marta for the bands.
-What conditions?
-I'm here.
-What conditions?
OnIy unknown bands.
We have to canceI the concert.
But she knew we had it pIanned.
It means a lot to me.
And to me.
But what choice have we got?
-We comply orwe're out.
Damn teIephone!
Ruy, can you...? Ruy!
Hey, Iet's talk in person.
There. Listen, meet me
at the beach house.
Shit. This thing's fucked.
Get it fixed!
-l need a phone!
-Yeah, later. Bye.
Miami wilI distribute
100,000 copies
and pay for a tour
across the Western Hemisphere.
And most importantly,
they have
-a sponsor for the Spanish tour.
-In exchange forwhat?