-We comply orwe're out.
Damn teIephone!
Ruy, can you...? Ruy!
Hey, Iet's talk in person.
There. Listen, meet me
at the beach house.
Shit. This thing's fucked.
Get it fixed!
-l need a phone!
-Yeah, later. Bye.
Miami wilI distribute
100,000 copies
and pay for a tour
across the Western Hemisphere.
And most importantly,
they have
-a sponsor for the Spanish tour.
-In exchange forwhat?
They want onIy unknowns
who haven't had any concerts
or records and haven't been
out of Cuba. Those who don't
qualify wiIl be dropped.
-Who cares if we're unknowns?
-They're pitching "forbidden music."
You know, poIitical stuff
against the regime
and a little trash taIk.
AcoupIe interviews
and were famous,
That's suicide, man.
lf we criticize Cuba
they'Il never Iet us back in.
We know that.
This isn't easy for us,
EspeciaIly for me.
-I have no choice.
-The Cuban issue
-lsn't our fault.
-Yeah, but you expIoit it.
This wiII benefit alI of us.
And ifit doesn't?
A risk you have to take.
At Ieast you'II have gotten
out of here.
The two of you in Spain
will have no probIem finding
a way to survive.